Birmingham Business Grants
For small businesses with 1-249 employees trading from Birmingham, Solihull, Sutton Coldfield or Cannock Chase, Shropshire.
- existing SMEs based in the West Midlands Region (grants of £5,000 to £100,000 are available for Birmingham, Cannock Chase, Solihull, and Shropshire based businesses)
We expect most applications to apply for an average grant of between £10,000 to £20,000, and only in exceptional circumstances will grants of up to £100,000 be awarded.
About Birmingham business grants
What can you spend the Birmingham business grant funds on?
Here are some examples:
- Machinery
- Office equipment
- Office refurbishment
- Marketing, websites, brochures [not advertising]
- Expansion
- Specialist IT support
This is a 50% match funded grant. What does that mean?
Here’s an example
50% match funded grants, your business must find the remaining 50%.
Example of match funded grant
20k project [eligible funding spend items as listed above]Grant pays 10k you pay 10k
Birmingham Business Grants Enquiry
Grant Application Help
It pays to be prepared when you apply for a business grant as you may only get one shot! So make it your best.
- We'll send you details of the grant. Read the objectives of the grant carefully
- Ensure your objectives align with above
- Show you have match funding in place
- Clearly explain what your business does - do not use jargon. Grant administrators are generalists not specialists
You will only get one shot. Many grants are over subscribed, have everything in place before applying to improve your chances.