Business Start Up Grants for the East of England
Essex | Hertfordshire | Peterbourough | Cambridge | Norfolk | Suffolk | East Anglia – Start up Grants
Start Up Grants for Businesses Under 2 Years old

Start Up tips!
- Research is better than guessing or wishing
- Identify what really makes your offering better than what's already here
- Really, really nail the above, it will get you off to a flying start
- Get started as cheaply and as quickly as you can. It is the ONLY way to really test out your business idea!
- Don't keep putting it off, you need to move forward - small steps are better than no steps. If it's a large project/idea - break it down into phases. Get started on phase one.
- Family & friends sometimes don't get why you're starting a business, that's ok, get started and show them what you can do!
essex start up grants [Tilbury CLLD]
Available to people starting up a business or a small business started less than 12 months ago.
The minimum sized grant application is £2,000, with £1,000 of funding provided by the Tilbury CLLD grant and the remaining £1,000 funded by the business. The maximum project size is £8,000.
start up grants for Women
Up to £5000 [you match the other 50%] From RBS Back Her Business initiative.
start up Loan up to £25k
Government backed Start Up Loan. Up to £25k pay back over 5 years, no fees, 6%
I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying."
Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon Tweet
start up Website
Create your website in an afternoon. No tech skills needed. Free trial. Only £8.50 per month.
Apprenticeship Grants & Funding
You can get paid for taking on an apprentice. Full details here.
Innovation Assistant Grant
Creating a game changer and you need specialist help? For innovation projects ONLY. 100% of associate's salary paid.
Innovate UK Innovation grants
Various competitions to win grants. These grants are for innovation/technical/scientific projects only. You must have a detailed business plan.
start up Loan up to £25k
Government backed Start Up Loan. Up to £25k pay back over 5 years, no fees, 6%
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
Steve Jobs, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Apple Tweet
start up Accountant
Free limited company set up and low cost accounting from £19.50 per month sole trader & £39.50 per month limited company

Google Grants for Non Profits
Circa £8k worth of free advertising every month with Google. For eligible non profits only.
Non Profits
National lottery Community Project Grants
A range of grants for individuals or organisations. Your business/project must benefit the community.
The best startups generally come from somebody needing to scratch an itch.
Michael Arrington, founder and co-editor of TechCrunch Tweet
Arts Council Grants £2k to £10k
Grants for developing your practice. Individual artists and/or creative practitioners. Not suitable for organisations.
Free Google Ads Voucher
Advertising online is a great way to test the market. Here's a voucher from Google.
£75 Voucher
start up Loan up to £25k
Government backed Start Up Loan. Up to £25k pay back over 5 years, no fees, 6%
start up Loan up to £25k
Government backed Start Up Loan. Up to £25k pay back over 5 years, no fees, 6%